
Me Time!

I just had one of the worst days of pain in recent memory.

It sucked!!

Rain. Cold. Damp. Wind. Almost guaranteed to bring on pain. And, they did.

It was a shitty, cold, damp day yesterday.

And, I was in pain all freaking day.

Here’s what I going to do to ‘ensure’ this pain doesn’t continue.

One, I’m adding a new item to my daily Walking practice.

Each day, just before I finish my walk I will ask myself, "What will I do for myself today?"

The second thing I’m doing is this: Every Monday I will go through my calendar and block off AT LEAST 3 ME TIMES!

For example, I marked off 3 2-hour periods of time this week that are reserved JUST FOR ME!

I don’t know yet what I will do.

BUT, I do know what I won’t be doing.

I won’t be spending the time on anything or anyone else!